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Buy Quiz App source code, Ready for launch, With 14 days money back Guarantee & Lifetime updates and support! Quiz is a game developed with Xcode for iOS.;This quiz consists into English questions and Italian questions, the quiz are divided into 11 categories.;In this basic version every category has 10 questions * 11 categories = 110 * 2 languages = 220 questions * 5 answers = 1100 answers;So, for each question there are 5 answers out of which only 1 is the correct. For each question there is a little suggestion.;But you can imagine if you want to add 10.000 questions for every category and create 5 or 10 languages…;There are 10 normal categories, 1 of images of flags, 1 random that work on the other 10 categories.;Rules;the questions are random and score will be;only 1 answer is correct on 5 available;+3 points for correct answer without suggestions;+1 point for correct answer with suggestions;-1 point for incorrect answer;0 points for next quiz without selection;In the category “random”, the questions are random and the score will not go on.;It’s possible to change languages of game into menu Preferences of Iphone after installation of game.;Two languages: English and Italian